The annual project meeting of the Recomb consortium was organized in Leiden on 9-10 April 2019. Many thanks to all the participants for joining and contributing to this successful and efficient meeting. Looking forward to seeing you next time!
H2020 grant: 6 million for stem cell therapy

Babies who are born without a functioning immune system usually receive a stem cell transplant. An international research team headed by the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) is granted 6 million euro from the European Horizon 2020 programme for their research into a promising alternative: the correction of the error in the DNA. Children with […]
Radio interview prof. Staal
Dutch popular science radio show “Labyrint” interviewed Frank Staal and Sander van Deventer about new developments in gene therapy, for example about Glibera and SCID. (interview in Dutch, starting at 29 min.)
Elsevier interview prof. Staal
Elsevier, a current opinions magazine in the Netherlands, interviewed Frank Staal about Pompe’s disease, cystic fibrosis and XSCID. (article in Dutch) Link:

Our SCIDNET proposal to cure Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) to in the context of the European Union Horizon2020 scheme is selected for funding. This grant allows us to work on SCID treatment with European leaders in field of gene therapy. For more information see the press release (in Dutch).